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Setup & Uninstall

How to setup ActiveBarcode:

If you downloaded ActiveBarcode as ZIP, unzip the archive first.
Run the file ActiveBarcode-Setup6.12.3.exe.
To start the installation, allow the installation program to make changes to your device:

ActiveBarcode: ActiveBarcode Setup User Account Control

Now follow the instructions of the installation program.
Select or change the language for the installation process:

ActiveBarcode: ActiveBarcode Setup Language Selection

Confirm the license agreements and select the components to be installed:

ActiveBarcode: ActiveBarcode Setup Selection

Installation hints:
  • ActiveBarcode-Setup6.12.3.exe and all componentes are digitally signed by the publisher Lars Schenk.
  • You need administrator rights for the installation. If necessary, ask your administrator to install the software.
  • The Office add-ins are automatically available after installation and do not need to be activated explicitly.
  • The ActiveBarcode object is available system-wide.
  • Installed ActiveBarcode components can be viewed under Programs and Features.
  • You can run the ActiveBarcode Generator from the start menu.
  • Tip: The ActiveBarcode object is even more flexible and powerful than only the ActiveBarcode generator. Learn how to use the ActiveBarcode object and the Office Add-Ins.

System requirements To work with the ActiveBarcode software suite you need:ActiveBarcode: Setup
  • Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2025, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008, Server 2008 R2.
  • Both 32 and 64 bit (x86 and x64) environments are fully supported. On a 64bit system, all required components for both 64bit and 32bit are automatically installed so that it is ensured that the required components are always available, regardless of the container used.
  • About 10-70 MB of free hard disk space is required for the installation.
  • You need administrator rights for the installation.
  • To use the barcode object in Microsoft Office, you need Office 2000 or later or Office 365.
  • Microsoft has changed the default settings in Office: Prior to Office 2024, ActiveX was enabled by default. To use the barcode object in Microsoft Office 2024 or later, you must enable ActiveX to insert barcode objects into your Office documents.
  • To use the optional Excel-, Word- or PowerPoint- Add-Ins you need Office 2010 or later or Office 365.
  • To use the optional Access Add-In you need Access 2016 or later or Office 365 in the 64bit version.
  • Using virtual machines or terminal clients is supported, but must be covered by the license.
How to install the license?Link
How can I check what components and licenses are installed?
Installing the license is easily done with just one click. You will receive instructions on how to install your license after your purchase. After installing the software and the licenses, ActiveBarcode is installed, licensed and ready to use on your system. You can view installed licenses under Apps & features.

ActiveBarcode: Apps and features

Installation without user interactionLink
Is is possible to setup ActiveBarcode in a silent mode, so that no user interaction is needed?
Yes, that is possible. If you start the installation with the parameter /silent, no user interaction is necessary.
If you start the installation with the parameter /verysilent, the installation will be done without any screen display.
Multi-user systemLink
What should be considered when installing on a system with multiple users?
The installation is system-wide. All users can access all components of ActiveBarcode.

An exception are the Office Add-Ins: Those are installed and activated for the active user only. If you want to install an add-in for additional users, please run the installation again for the respective user. You can log in as the respective user and run the setup again or you can choose to install only the desired Office Add-In.
Current versions of the Office Add-In's will be provided as separate installable files at the customer area. Those help to automate installation tasks for a huge user base.
Remote Desktop Services / Terminal ServicesLink
Is it possible to install ActiveBarcode on a Windows terminal server?
How to uninstall ActiveBarcode:Link
ActiveBarcode is supplied with an uninstall routine, and can automatically be uninstalled. No manual action is necessary to uninstall.
You can find the uninstaller in the control panel under Programs or Programs and features. Or simply click with the right mouse button on the app in the start menu and select Uninstall:

ActiveBarcode: Uninstall

The program and features dialog is displayed. Here you can select the components to be uninstalled. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
How to use barcodes in my Application or workflow? Do you have instruction for XYZ?Link
I am using the software XYZ and want to use ActiveBarcode. Can you assist?
Please use the search page of the website. There you find a whole bunch of step-by-step instructions. If you don't see your software there, you can contact us but be aware that we cannot know all the software that is available. First, have a look into the documentation of your software for information about how to use an ActiveX Control. Or if that is not supported you can always embed barcodes as bitmap files and use the Generator to copy & paste barcodes into your application.

Solving workflows can be efficiently done by integrating ActiveBarcode with the command line tool or via the REST API.