Check digit calculation of Modulo 16

This is a description of calculating check digits according to Modulo 16.

Calculation of a checksum according to Modulo 16:
Modulo 16 is used by the barcode symbology Codabar. Here is an example of how to calculate the check digit according to Modulo 16:

Digits: A 7 8 9 A
Reference numbers: 16 7 8 9 16
Sum of reference numbers: 56
Calculate checksum: 56 / 16 = 3 Remainder 8
difference: 16 - 8 = 8
Check digit Reference number 8 = 8

Reference numbers:
00 = 0
01 = 1
02 = 2
03 = 3
04 = 4
05 = 5
06 = 6
07 = 7
08 = 8
09 = 9
10 = -
11 = $
12 = :
13 = /
14 = .
15 = +
16 = A
17 = B
18 = C
19 = D