Standard or higher

Quick guide

Quick introduction to the Barcode Generator

1 Select barcode type

ActiveBarcode: -

Barcode type

Select the appropriate barcode symbology here.

2 Enter character string to be encoded

ActiveBarcode: -


(F6)   ActiveBarcode: Text...Icon

Enter the text of the barcode to be coded here. Some barcode types also support the coding of control characters.

3 Adjust size

ActiveBarcode: -ActiveBarcode: Quick and easy

Size in Pixels

  ActiveBarcode: RulerIcon

Set the size of the barcode in pixels.


  ActiveBarcode: RulerIcon

Set the desired DPI here. This specification is used to calculate the real size (status bar below). This value is also saved in the image file as PNG, BMP, TIFF or JPEG when exporting.

Set size to

Here you can quickly and easily select an automatically calculated barcode size.

4 Other optional settings

ActiveBarcode: Barcode textActiveBarcode: Layout


  ActiveBarcode: Barcode Font

Select the font for the barcode text.


(F8)   ActiveBarcode: Showtext

Decide whether the human readable text line is included or not.


  ActiveBarcode: Borders on Barcodes

Change the width and height of the borders an the notch length here.


(F9-F12)   ActiveBarcode: Rotate barcode

Select the orientation of the barcode in 90 degrees steps.


  ActiveBarcode: Align barcode

Switches the alignment of the barcode.

Foreground color

  ActiveBarcode: Foreground color barcode

Select the foreground color for the barcode.

Background color

  ActiveBarcode: Background color barcode

Select the background color for the barcode.

5 Use barcode

ActiveBarcode: Edit barcodeActiveBarcode: Print barcode

Copy Bitmap

(Ctrl+B)   ActiveBarcode: Copy barcode image

Copies the current barcode to the clipboard as a bitmap. Many applications support this format and can import and use it. You can determine the bitmap size via the function "Layout & Size" in the menu "Barcode".

Vector graphics

(Ctrl+M)   ActiveBarcode: Copy barcode vector graphics

Copies the current barcode to the clipboard as a meta-graphic. Most applications can import this format. Meta-Graphic is lossless scalable and very flexible.

Print one barcode

  ActiveBarcode: One barcode...Icon

With this function you can print the currently created barcode exactly according to your needs. Enter the position and size of the barcode in millimetres. Example: Print one barcode exactly onto a page.

Print labels

  ActiveBarcode: Barcod labels

Allows you to print barcodes on one or more labels on a sheet of labels. Example: Printing barcode labels.