
Description of GS1-DataMatrix

ActiveBarcode: GS1-DataMatrixThe GS1-DataMatrix is a special form of the DataMatrix. It's used for goods and palettes in commerce and industry.

There can be coded more than one data field inside one barcode. For example a food palette gets a barcode with the product number (e.g. the EAN 13 number) and additional the weight and the pull date.

To code this different data field inside one barcode the GS1-DataMatrix codes use the international standard of Application Identifiers (AI). A barcode could look like this:

ActiveBarcode: GS1-DataMatrix

The numbers inside the brackets are the Application Identifiers (AI) and the data behind are the data for this AI. The brackets are only used for the human readable line of the barcode. There are not coded! The AI "(01)" defines that the product code follows. This product code is always 14 digits long. This length is specified with the AI. This 14 data digits follow directly to the AI. After the product code of 14 digits, the next AI follows. In this example it's the pull date, specified with the AI "(15)". This one is always 6 digits long and must be specified using the mask YYMMTT. In this example the date is 31st December 2005

How do I create such a barcode with ActiveBarcode?
You simply enter the human readable line including the brackets: e.g. (01)01234567890128(15)051231. ActiveBarcode removes the brackets and codes the GS1-DataMatrix correct as 010123456789012815051231.

If you are using AI's that have a variable length of data, you may be forced to use the control character FNC1 before the next AI to close the current AI. This control character "tells" the scanner that this AI is closed and a new one will follow.
Example: You want a code containing the Number in parts (AI #30) and the serial number (AI #21):

ActiveBarcode: GS1-DataMatrix

In this example the "number of parts" is 19 and the serial number is 123456789012. The "number of parts" can be up to 8 digits long. So we code a FNC1 after the 9 to let the scanner know, that the AI is closed here now and a new one follows. To create a FNC1 with ActiveBarcode simply enter <FNC1> into the text property as shown in this example:

Note: If your scanner has trouble recognizing the <FNC1>, try using <GS> as the separator instead. Some models incorrectly expect this character.

A list of the DataMatrix symbol sizes with examples is available here.


Technical data

Valid characters: alphanumeric
Length: Variable with no fixed length.
Check digit: Calculated according to Reed-Solomon-Error correction
ActiveBarcode calculates the check digit automatically.
Type#: DataMatrix - #74 - CODEGS1DATAMATRIX
List of all symbol sizes